Champagne Reef is Dominica’s premier snorkeling site as well as a popular scuba diving site. Caribbean Travel & Life Magazine has rated Champagne Reef as the #1 snorkel site in the Caribbean.
Named Champagne because of the volcanic geothermal fissures found in the sea floor, it is likened to snorkeling in a giant glass of Champagne with thousands of bubbles rising up all around. It is easily accessed by land, with a boardwalk extending down the beach.
The bubbles start in about six feet of water and have a temperature of about 69°C. Beyond the bubbles lies a spectacular reef teeming with life and color. Parrot fish, Trumpet fish, Queen Angels and Blue Tang are just some of the fish to be seen in abundance at Champagne. There is even a resident population of rare Hawksbill Turtles that feed on the bright yellow tube sponges. The entire reef is very accessible and with the top of the reef in relatively shallow water. For the adventurous, a swim to the back of the reef shows a dramatic drop off into about 80 feet of water.
Located at the beach is Champagne Reef Dive & Snorkel, a dive shop offering dive & snorkel tours of the reef.
The tours are led by PADI certified Dive master who instructs you on the correct use of your gear and briefs you on what you are likely to see and experience once in the water. After your tour enjoy the comfort and convenience of the center with showers, changing rooms, refreshments, and a sundeck overlooking the beautiful Caribbean Sea.